Nail Fungus Treatment Packages

Nail fungus is difficult to treat. With such a large number of remedies available, we’ve created packages which provide you an easy step-by-step approach to treatment.

Package 1

Antifungal Topical Nail
Lacquer and Antifungal Cream prescription

CleanSweep Antimicrobial Shoe Spray

Laser Treatments

Oral antifungal

Package 2

Antifungal Topical Nail
Lacquer and Antifungal Cream prescription

Sterishoe UV Light Shoe Sterilizer

Laser Treatments

Oral antifungal

OptionalRecommended for best chances of curing infection. Must speak to medical doctor for prescription. Not included in package price.

NoteNo one treatment is 100% effective but a structured plan with as many treatment options as possible will give you a much higher chance of eliminating the fungus.

Directions for Nail Treatment Package

  1. Apply antifungal oil  drops to each affected nail once to twice daily for 9-12 months.
  2.  Apply the Antifungal Cream to each foot once daily for 4 weeks.
  3.  Clean your shoes (this is where most fungus lives and how most people become re-infected after treatment).
  4. Package 1: Spray CleanSweep in all your shoes once per week for the first 4 weeks, then once per month until the infection clears.
  5. Package 2: Use the SteriShoe UV Light in all shoes at least once per week for the first 4 weeks, then once per month until the infection clears. Can be used daily.
  6.  Get laser treatments once every 2 months at our clinic.
  7.  Take optional prescription for oral antifungal medication as prescribed.

BOOK with our Chiropodist Today to see if it is the RIGHT TREATMENT FOR YOU